Vanilla-cocoa foam

Vanilla-cocoa foam

A great unbaked dessert for children and adults, which will stand out at a family celebration, but also in a candy bar at a wedding.
Next we need
  • chocolate decorations
  • edible gold
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  1. Let the gelatin swell in about 50 ml of cream for about 10 minutes.
  2. Whip the remaining cream. Add yogurt, cottage cheese, powdered and vanillin sugar and beat.
  3. Dissolve the gelatin in the microwave or over steam until the crystals dissolve. It takes a few seconds in the microwave. Add the dissolved gelatin to the cream while constantly whisking.
  4. Fill the prepared glasses halfway with the resulting vanilla foam. Add cocoa to the remaining foam and beat.
  5. Layer the cocoa foam on top of the vanilla and let it harden in the refrigerator, preferably overnight.
  6. We decorate according to our own imagination.
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Next we need
  • chocolate decorations
  • edible gold
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