The best gluten-free Christmas recipes
Tips for Christmas baking

The best gluten-free Christmas recipes


Our mothers' recipes hide real culinary treasures. Their uniqueness is hidden in small changes in the recipe, which each family adjusted according to their tastes and preferences. We offer you our most popular gluten-free Christmas recipes. We tried them all, and since each one tasted great, we couldn't choose a favorite. You can also find part of the recipes in the form of a video recipe, so you only need to follow the preparation procedures and the list of ingredients, and we guarantee that the result will be perfect.


Nice to look at, great to taste. They do not crumble and at the same time melt on the tongue. Don't be alarmed that there is only 20 g of butter in the recipe. That's how it should be! You just have to make sure that the butter is softened and melted. You can find the recipe here or the version with poppy seeds is also delicious.

If the procedure alone is not enough for you and you would rather watch the video, you can find it at this link .


A very grateful recipe, because these honey slices are suitable for Christmas, as well as for Easter, weddings or other family celebrations. This recipe requires ingredients that every housewife has at home. It is ideal to eat the slices the next day so that they soften, but patience will pay off. You can find the recipe together with the video recipe here .


Baking gingerbread at the last minute is no problem with Liana :-) To keep the gingerbread soft for a long time, just add a sliced apple to the container with a lid. You can find the recipe together with the video recipehere .



They do not crumble and can be easily removed from the molds. Typical small Christmas pastries that are an essential part of Christmas. If you prefer dry cookies, this is the right pawpaw for you :-) You can find the recipe together with the video recipe here .

bear paws


If you have only looked for it in the store until now, because its preparation is complicated, the time has come for you to try it yourself at home. With our recipe without rolling the dough, Marlenka is guaranteed to be a success. You can find a great recipe for the beloved gluten-free marlenka here .



Coconut hedgehogs prepared in a gluten-free version must not be missing from this list of the best Christmas recipes. Sweet honey bars wrapped in a rum-cocoa coating sprinkled with coconut, which will stay juicy for a long time. You can find the recipe together with the video recipe here .



On the Christmas table there may be cakes from the invention of the world - but if we see a generous person, we cannot resist him. It consists of jam, cottage cheese, poppy seed and nut filling. Add half a bag of Lemon Liana Frosting and Liana Golden Cream to the cheese filling, which created an even better taste in the dessert. You can find the recipe together with the video recipe here .


At first glance, this recipe may seem complicated, but if you follow the preparation procedure, even a less experienced confectioner can prepare it. It's enough to make the smell of Christmas spread throughout your home. You can find the recipe together with the video recipe here .



A real festive atmosphere is created when walnut rolls are taken out on the family table. Can you imagine Christmas, Easter or other holidays without them? There is nothing wrong with this recipe. Roll the rožteks while they are still hot in powder and Liana vanilla sugar and enjoy the gluten-free nut goodness. You can find the recipe together with the video recipe here .



A strong chocolate dessert that will win over every chocolate lover. The better quality chocolate you use, the better the final result and unrivaled taste. You can find the recipe for gluten-free doboška here .


Many families cannot imagine Christmas dinner without them. Even though bobałky are a traditional Eastern food, they have already reached families all over Slovakia in combination with different flavors from poppy seeds, cottage cheese, plums, chocolate to cabbage. You can find the recipe together with the video recipe here .

gluten-free toasted beans


A cake composed of mostly autumn ingredients, but still a traditional Christmas dessert. The combination of plum jam and nuts cannot be anything but perfect. If you don't want to miss out on a great culinary experience, try gluten-free jerboa slices according to our recipe, which you can find here .


There is probably no more festive dessert. Fluffy sponge cake, sweet cream and fluffy snow will create the right festive atmosphere even if there is no other cookie on your table during Christmas. You can find the recipe for gluten-free lick your finger here .

So, did you find your favorite dessert on the list or did we inspire you with some recipe?


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