11,50 €
/ 1 pcs with VAT
Added: 10.04.2024
Výborné múkové zmesi pre celiatikov, z ktorých sa Vám každé jedlo podarí. Perfektné recepty, mnohokrát aj s video návodom pre začiatočníkov. Obchod som už odporučila nejednému s priateľov. Vysoká spokojnosť
Price without VAT:
9,35 €
Product code:
200 Mr
Oven for preparing homemade bread. You can use it for leavening dough, storing bread, serving pastries and as a decoration.
Ošatka imprints a shape into the prepared dough during rising, which will remain on the crust during baking.
Material: natural pedigree. Do not soak the cloth, after use it is enough to let it dry thoroughly or clean it with a brush.
Dimensions: 24x18.5x9 cm, (loaf 1 kg, need 500 g flour).

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