Crispy whole grain gluten-free baguettes from Bread white and dark

Crispy whole grain gluten-free baguettes

Duration: 01:30 (h:m) Portions: 3 (pcs)
Crispy baguettes like from an Italian baguette. Indistinguishable from classic flour baguettes.
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1. Prepare yeast from 100 ml of lukewarm water, sugar and yeast. Let it ferment for about 10 minutes. Mix bread mix dark, bread mix white, salt, leavened yeast and the remaining water by hand or with an electric mixer for about 5 minutes. Finally, mix in the oil. Cover the dough with cling film and let it rise in a warm place for 30 minutes.

2. Divide the leavened dough into 3 parts on a mat sprinkled with rice flour. We shape each part with our hands into the shape of a baguette. Place on a tray, cover with cling film and leave to rise for another 20-30 minutes.

3. Heat the electric oven to 180-200°C. Lightly cut the prepared baguettes, brush with a mixture of water and olive oil in a ratio of 1:1 and sprinkle with flax seeds or gluten-free oatmeal. Bake for 20-30 minutes depending on the type of oven. Sprinkle the baked baguettes with water immediately and let them cool on the wire rack.

A good tip:
Whole wheat gluten-free baguettes can also be prepared from one type of gluten-free flour mixture; from 500 g Bread mix white or from 500 g Bread mix dark Liana.

Liana 27.02.2023
Recept máme niekoľko-krát otestovaný a bagety by mali mať po upečení zvonku chrumkavú kôrku a zvnútra jemné a vláčne. Skúste skrátiť čas pečenia na 15-20 minút a teplotu zvýšiť na 200-210°C (menej vody a viac oleja) pre získanie hnedšej kôrky.
Zuzana 26.02.2023
Robila som ich presne podľa receptu a zostali tvrdé ako skala a úplne biele..
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