Bread mold with ceramic lid

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Bread mold with ceramic lid
100% Heureka
Added: 29.10.2023

Rýchle doručenie , veľmi ústretoví ľudia , už som veľa odtiaľ objednala raz chýbala forme malá súčiastka - okamžite mi ju dodatočne poslali, reagujú na mail - dobalili mi keď som potrebovala. Spokojnosť na 100 percent

Bread mold with ceramic lid

In stock 1 ks

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26,90 € / 1 pcs with VAT
100% Heureka
Added: 29.10.2023

Rýchle doručenie , veľmi ústretoví ľudia , už som veľa odtiaľ objednala raz chýbala forme malá súčiastka - okamžite mi ju dodatočne poslali, reagujú na mail - dobalili mi keď som potrebovala. Spokojnosť na 100 percent

Price without VAT:
21,87 €
Product code:
3050 Mr

The clever ceramic bread mold with a lid with internal glaze is a high-quality product made of natural material.

Ceramic conducts heat very well, so by baking in ceramic, you can also achieve economical cooking. Ceramic containers have a long service life and will last you several years with proper handling. However, it is necessary to observe certain principles when handling dishes. The product has a very high voltage, therefore it does not tolerate immediate rapid temperature changes - thermal shock. Air flow must be ensured between the mold and the bottom of the oven, so always put the product on the rack. Place the cold mold in a cold oven and then turn it on. After removing the hot form from the oven, never put it on metal, stone, tiles - always only on a wooden mat. The mold is not suitable for the dishwasher, you can use it in a gas, electric or convection oven. We clean the mold easily with a brush and hot water, salt or vinegar in case of heavy soiling, we do not use chemical agents.

dimensions: 27/33 x 16 cm
height: 9.5/14.5 cm
volume 2.7 l

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